Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter Day: Special Offer for Guild Wars 2 players

  Easter is coming. So start to prepare for your Easter gifts. As we all know, Easter is a religious holiday for Christians, and it's also known for the Easter bunny, egg hunts and family gatherings.

  This year, Easter falls on Sunday, March 31, 2013.

  In order to thanks for our Guild Wars 2 game players, also prepared some special gifts for you. Since the Guild Wars 2 Frame & Frost: The Razing is hotted played, I think most of you may be attracted by the great balance and perfect game experience. Why not choose some items to lend your weapons a fiery look with new Fused weapon skins, or rename your character with the new Name Change feature?

Log into your account on, and enjoys these amazing offers available at our online store. Select the Guild Wars 2 gold or items you want, and your deal will be applied when you check out.

  So don't delay, come click to start now ! Wish you a good day! - See more at:

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1 comment:

  1.  In order to thanks for our Guild Wars 2 game players, also prepared some special gifts for you. Since the Guild Wars 2 Frame & Frost: The Razing is hotted played, I think most of you may be attracted by the great balance and perfect game experience. Why not choose some items to lend your weapons a fiery look with new Fused weapon skins, or rename your character with the new Name Change feature?gw2 gold
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