Thursday, April 4, 2013

Relive the 80s with the Super Adventure Box for Guild Wars 2

NCSOFT and ArenaNet are delighted to continue the excellent tradition of larking about on 1st April with the introduction of the "Super Adventure Box".

The most current in a growing list of regular, gratis updates, the "Super Adventure Box" turns Guild Wars 2's world of Tyria into a 1980s-style videogame. The update, arriving today, introduces players to a 3D land of pixelated rabbits, giant mushrooms and retro music.

"It began out as a fun side project concept", laughed Colin Johanson,Guild Wars 2 gold Game Director at ArenaNet. "Originally, we were going to have a laugh with a fake 8-bit update, in spite of this the more the team worked on it the more we realised we had something genuinely cool on our hands. We figured; the  gaming community are honestly going to love this, let's enhance on the idea of the Living World in Guild Wars 2 & make it for genuine".

"We have turned the clock back 30 years", joked Daniel Dociu, ArenaNet's multi award-winning Art Director. "With retro-style videogames such a part of the Zeitgeist, we are excited to marry Guild Wars 2's cutting-edge gameplay with childhood nostalgia. The results are hilarious!"

The Super Adventure Box features:

Super-Hot Graphics: Featuring 'cutting-edge' graphics with more than 256 colours, the Super Adventure Box is a visual feast for the GW2 gold gaming connoisseur. Your character has never explored a world like this.

Awesome New Levels: 3 levels full of pogo mushrooms, platform puzzles, bunny tornadoes, and more. Don't fret about taking a tumble - we have turned off the falling harm and turned up the fun!

Large Fun, Big Rewards: You'll earn "baubles" by slaying varmints and exploring the virtual world of the Super Adventure Box. Exchange baubles for weapons & skill-sets by talking to the shopkeepers inside the Box, or redeem your baubles for particular Super Adventure Box weapon skins from asuran inventor, Moto.

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1 comment:

  1. Large Fun, Big Rewards: You'll earn "baubles" by slaying varmints and exploring the virtual world of the Super Adventure Box. Exchange baubles for weapons & skill-sets by talking to the shopkeepers inside the Box, or redeem your baubles for particular Super Adventure Box weapon skins from asuran inventor, Moto.
    guild wars 2 gold
