Saturday, March 2, 2013

Guild Wars 2 WvW March patch will "turn off culling thoroughly"

It is a astounding day to be a WvW'er over in Guild Wars 2, as Habib Loew confirms that the subsequent patch will banish the "culling phenomenon" from the world of Tyria for fantastic. Also in are a brand new ranks and achievements typically for WvW which unlock new WvW skills. Habib also promised that they are not done with WvW, with plenty more planned for future patches to come.

In an interview with MMORPG, Habib Loew a gameplay programmer who focuses on the WvW aspect of Guild Wars two, talked about the new additions.

First up was by far the most debated & controversial topic: culling:

"Culling is basically a process by which the server chooses to not tell players about certain other Guild Wars 2 gold players. It was information on limiting the breakdown of resources from a client to server standpoint. The concern with it was that a big battle would erupt & you would not see other players. It definitely had its drawbacks.

The alter in March will turn off Culling thoroughly. You'll now see every character within range of you. There will be numerous one of a kind choices for how other players are presented to you, on the client side that you could pick out from so you can control how it works for you."

That ought to mean that you won't die to the invisible zergs that rampage across the battlefield. By the sounds of it, you could pick & prioritise certain effects/players to suit your desires, however more will be revealed in March,

Next up is a brand new sense of advancement in WvW with ranks and abilities:

"There are 2 methods to earn what we're calling World XP right now. Those are joining WvW Events and killing other players. As you earn more World XP your rank will go up. Every sum of World XP with give you a rank and that will give you a brand new title in WvW. For example right now you only see the "Invader" title. These titles will modify with your rank. With each rank you will earn points to cash in on WVW capabilities. The abilities are general passive in the starting with capabilities like doing more damage to guards or taking less harm from siege."

Sounds interesting, & more importantly doesn't deviate from what's fun in a WvW.

"Right now there are for the most part passive abilties going in with this patch. We have capabilities like: being able to carry more supply, being more effective against particular varieties of NPCs, being able to do more siege damage, or being more resistent to siege harm. Once again this is our first patch so as we go further there will be more active capabilities added. Those are an incredibly attentive balancing act to add and we need to get them right for the GW2 gold players. Not only is it about balance, however there are design concerns as well, like where do we put the buttons on the UI? We need to take all of that into account.

With the up-front release there are no class or guild restrictions. These abilities need to be accessible to everybody. We certainly want players to picture the abilities as specializing your role in WvW not your class. Perhaps you play more in the siege role or in the close combat role. These abilities are there to enhance those. It is everything regarding your role in WvW regardless of the class you play."

It all sounds pretty promising, with more to accomplish plus the threat of culling purged, WvW is looking as wholesome as ever. It doesn't cease here however, as Habib echoes with this statement:

"The biggest message I have for WvW players is that this is not the last patch we are doing. We have a lot more planned. Plenty of stuff is queued up for future patches. We are honestly taking the time to make sure we get things right before we release them. Also, we do not want to make the mistake of making too lots of adjustments at one time which could break parts of WvW."

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1 comment:

  1. It is a astounding day to be a WvW'er over in Guild Wars 2, as Habib swtor credits Loew confirms that the subsequent patch will banish the "culling phenomenon" from the world of Tyria for fantastic. Also in are a brand new ranks and achievements typically for WvW which unlock new WvW skills. Habib also promised that they are not done with buy swtor credits WvW, with plenty more planned for future patches to come.
