Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What can a fan do to get that interest back into playing?

Would genuinely like comments from those that nonetheless play and still take pleasure in the game however I know that will be hard.

I have 3 level 80's, 100 exploration on 2 of them, and no desire to run fractals or other dungeons since my gear is the best I can get on all 3 toons. Minus a legendary which I've no desire in getting. I also no longer fancy myself a purveyor of PvP or WvW so thsoe are outs.

My question is there something in the game I might be doing to get my joy back? Maybe I burnt myself out yet I have no desire to use a 3rd party website to arrange dungeons, I've at all times been a huge proponent of a Dungeon Queing system particularly one like WoW. GW2 portrayed itself as a Guild Wars 2 gold game where dungeons would be easier to run because of no reliance on having to have specific classes though not having a dungeon finder exaserbates the circumstance just as much here as any other game lacking this feature.

Was really hoping the new live envent was worthy but it was downright silly in that I finished it in 1 night.

If your concept of a Sandbox is open FFA Full Loot PvP, full crafted world with minimal support for something combat then your sandbox concepts are bad! Sandbox denotes open world, non-linear gaming PERIOD!

should you aren't into PVP its hard to convey due to the fact thats my endgame in themepark games.. also fractals is lots of fun just running through them even in the event you aren't gong for asended gear.. my only suggestion is maybe try a major WvW guild or sPVP guild and get a number of good players to join up with and try it out then.. honestly adjustments the game when you have a excellent group to run with in PVP.. however in case you already have 3 80s & 100% explor on them all i'd say you put Plenty of hours into this gw2 gold game already and maybe it would be exceptional for a break... whilst the new guild quests are coming at the end of the month you might try those out.. NW beta is coming soon also.. hoping to get a crack at the foundry:P

oh also joining a major guild also helps a ton with dungeons however thats a given for all MMOs:)

If I had a mine shaft, I don't think I would just abandon it. There is got to be a better way.

I'm all PVE so unless they start adding DE metas like mad people I do not see how they are going to get me back. Dungeons are not for me. Got a lot of other games that do just that do not need a further one of the factors I acquired the game was it was supposed to be a change from that design.

I cannot say anything other then wait until what they have coming in March hopefully it will be as extravagant as they claim it will be.
So far I'm not seeing much that interests me anymore.
Even the carrot on the stick is gone for me.

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