Thursday, December 20, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Wintersday Event Now Live

NCSOFT & ArenaNet are at the moment hosting the third important event since the launch of Guild Wars 2, entitled Wintersday. Wintersday bestows bundles of getaway joy in the form of gifts, exclusive mini-games, new events & presents upon all in Tyria. Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role playing game that offers players a immense role playing environment combined with combat mechanics, events, & customised personal storytelling.

All through Wintersday Tixx the Toymaker has made his way Lion's Arch, stopping at every considerable city on the method to deliver toys to all races. From today Tixx the Toymaker's airship will hover over Lion's Arch & stay there till Wintersday ends. While the airship hovers gw2 gold players can earn more rewards & take part in one of a kind Wintersday events building up to hectic getaway Toypocalypse. Throughout all of Wintersday, players can also participate in many different mini-games which includes a Bell Choir mini-game, snowball fights, grabbing presents that drop from the sky and a good deal more.

The Guild Wars 2 Wintersday event ends on the third January & is the third major event since the launch of the newest chapter in the well known franchise. Electronic Theatre will keep you updated with all of the most up-to-date particulars about Guild Wars 2.

1 comment:

  1. The Guild Wars 2 Wintersday event ends on the third January & is the third major event since the launch of the newest chapter in the well known franchise. Electronic Theatre will keep you updated with all of the most up-to-date particulars about Guild Wars 2.guild wars 2 gold
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