Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fractals of the Mists Dungeon Improvements

Hello, everyone! I'm Isaiah Cartwright, lead designer on Guild Wars 2. I wanted to talk to you about two upcoming changes to the fractal dungeons: reconnect & party-tier improvements.

Presently, if a party member disconnects from a fractal dungeon run, they are unable to rejoin, which can cause a large amount of difficulties for that player & their party. Our new program will allow Guild Wars 2 gold players who disconnect to reconnect to their party and jump back into the dungeon. We most definitely comprehend how frustrating this situation can be, & would like to apologize for the delay on this resolve.

We have also made a few adjustments to the way party-level restrictions work. Presently, players who want to join a party are limited to the lowest fractal level in the party. This makes it difficult for lower fractal-level players to find parties, so we have modified the party-level restrictions to allow players of any fractal level to group up. At party creation, players can pick any fractal level up to the highest fractal level in the party. Upon completion of the fractal run, all players equal to or lower than the selected fractal level will have their fractal level increased by one. All players above the chosen fractal level will gain karma, however their fractal level will not grow. Rewards from the fractal will be dependant upon gw2 gold players' personal reward level as lengthy as the reward level is equal to or lower than the chosen fractal level. I.e.:

Player 1 (fractal level 2)
Player 2 (fractal level 21)
Player three (fractal level 21)
Player four (fractal level 21)
Player 5 (fractal level 53)
Player 2 makes the party & sets the fractal level to 21, plus the party goes on to beat three fractals. Here are the fractal-level results after the run:
Player 1 (fractal level three)
Player 2 (fractal level 22)
Player three (fractal level 22)
Player four (fractal level 22)
Player 5 (nonetheless fractal level 53, however gains karma for helping)

The goal is to permit everyone to play together & make partying less restrictive for everyone. We plan to ship these 2 features at the end of January.

Thanks for playing!

1 comment:

  1. The goal is to permit everyone to play together & make partying less restrictive for everyone. We plan to ship these 2 features at the end of January.gw2 gold
    cheap guild wars 2 gold
