Saturday, March 30, 2013
Happy Easter Day: Special Offer for Guild Wars 2 players
Easter is coming. So start to prepare for your Easter gifts. As we all know, Easter is a religious holiday for Christians, and it's also known for the Easter bunny, egg hunts and family gatherings.
This year, Easter falls on Sunday, March 31, 2013.
In order to thanks for our Guild Wars 2 game players, also prepared some special gifts for you. Since the Guild Wars 2 Frame & Frost: The Razing is hotted played, I think most of you may be attracted by the great balance and perfect game experience. Why not choose some items to lend your weapons a fiery look with new Fused weapon skins, or rename your character with the new Name Change feature?
Log into your account on, and enjoys these amazing offers available at our online store. Select the Guild Wars 2 gold or items you want, and your deal will be applied when you check out.
So don't delay, come click to start now ! Wish you a good day! - See more at:
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Guild Wars 2 adding Flame & Frost: The Razing update subsequent week
On March 26th, the third installment of the 4-part Flame & Frost series in Guild Wars two erupts on servers. In this update, the land of Tyria will come under attack by an army composed of the dredge plus the charr Flame Legion, whose sole purpose is to 100% raze the land & destroy everyone in the way. This threat will burst by means of the fiery portals in the Shiverpeaks, and denizens of the land need help to defend themselves to steer clear of annihilation.
A lot of new features accompany this update, giving Guild Wars 2 gold players many ways to help neutralize this threat, from 2 new NPCs whose stories & missions send gw2 gold players into the fray to dredge-constructed spy outposts that must be discovered & destroyed. World-vs.-world gets a facelift with a new progression system that consists of new abilities and the elimination of culling. About a week after The Razing goes lives, players will have the ability to peruse the new GW2 leaderboards, where WvW ratings, PvP player results, and total achievement points will all be included.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Thinking of getting the game, but asking yourself about end-game content
So I am looking into picking up Guild Wars 2, but I am worried there is not a lot to occupy players once they hit the level cap. I'm used to WoW (and after years & years of it, I want a modify, which is why I did not get Pandas), so for me, end-game content is sort of an all-out loot grind experience, running high level dungeons to get powerful gear... which you usually use to run even more challenging dungeons for even more powerful gear. I'm also used to grinding PvP to get a different set of gear for that certain purpose. Naturally I don't anticipate Guild Wars two to have that type of established end-game yet (it took WoW many years and expansions to get to that point, & at this point they are sort of working backwards...), but I need to make certain I have a lot to do once I hit the level cap.
My roomie used to play Guild Wars 2 gold, and he still comes back every couple of weeks. He says that GW2 does not have a good deal of gear to grind after, except quite a few cosmetic items, although there are several craftable high-tier gear sets that take months of dungeon grinding to make. Although what about you really active GW veterans? How do you fill your time? What is the end game honestly like? Should you guys assure me there is a sustainable end-game here (& obviously I will also level alts!), I will picking it up tomorrow. Thanks for the help!
First of all GW2 is about AS Little grind as doable. Gear from dungeons are for looks only. You could readily craft or buy top lvl gear. Only reason to do dungeons is for income, in the event you are working on a legendary or you need the look of that dungeon gear.
End game for PvE right now doesn't honestly exist (unless you need to get every legendary) The real end Guild Wars 2 item game is in the PvP scope of the game. Unforunatly sPvP is not as well known as Anet had hoped, nonetheless there are nonetheless a lot of folks doing it. Mostly men and women view World Vs World Vs World as the end game which is a 3way server PvP battle in sperate maps 24/7 for a week.
There is FotM, Fractils of the Mist, which is a continuosly repeating arbitrary dungeons that get harder the further you go. This is right now 1 of only 3 approaches to get Ascended Gear (which is a step further in stats than Exotic, but only accessories exist as Ascended right now) the other ways to get Ascended are by way of Day-to-day/monthly quests and the Mystic Forge.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Flame & Frost: The Razing on March 26th
March 26, 2013
A hybrid army erupts through fiery portals in the Shiverpeaks. A Molten Alliance between the dredge and the charr Flame Legion has created a force powerful enough to massacre any who stand in their way. One settlement, one homestead at a time, they’re wiping out all resistance. The razing has begun.
In Flame and Frost: The Razing you’ll meet the norn Braham and Rox the charr, two Tyrians who fervently believe in doing what’s right, no matter the risk. Join Braham and Rox in a desperate battle to defend their homelands from annihilation in the third installment in this four-part series!
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Thursday, March 14, 2013
Guild Wars 2 to focus on escalating programs, aiding small guilds
Has Guild Wars 2 become overly convoluted since its launch last year? This really is the question that Forbes posed to ArenaNet Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright, who admits that the team debates the question frequently.
"Since we have been adding a whole lot of reward systems, we have seen an boost in the number of currencies out there," Cartwright explained. "Although we're getting toward the tail end of the number of techniques we feel that we can put in the Guild Wars 2 gold game. We'll be genuinely working on improving the current methods we have and making them more robust."
Cartwright also addressed how the team is catering to guild content, saying that ArenaNet wants to give more of a improve to smaller guilds: "We know there was an original influence fee that was especially high that a large amount of smaller guilds weren't in a position to pursue it, so we're looking into ways that we can boost that, make smaller guilds more able to compete on the influence gathering region."
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Sunday, March 10, 2013
Arena.Net Keeps Pushing Out New Content
Ever since its release in November, Guild Wars 2 has been going by means of a great deal of modifications inside the very first 6 months of introduction. I'm not certain whether this is a frantic push to keep things interesting or sheer boredom on the dev teams, but they're going for the Guild Wars 2 gold it seems. The current living story event, Flame and Frost has been adding commonly content since January, presently sitting at the half-way point in the story.
Flame and Frost has added a brand new story line implying that the Flame Legion, the antagonistic fire-worshipping Charr, and the Dredge, a tyrannical mole-like people, have joined forces to try and conquer the Northern regions, forcing other races to seek refuge in the south. As a part of the fighting force of players, you'll be tasked with driving this incursion back so that prosperity can continue in the north... well, as much as 1 can expect as we've still got 1 of the world-ending dragons living up there.
Many new additions & adjustments have cropped up in the mean time, though sadly, none of which included a P2P trade method, or Guild Halls for that matter. Still, those who have come to fruition are nice small additions, no less.
Day-to-day achievements have changed a bit, mainly with the PvE Daily's, as now you have a bigger selection to decide upon from for certain PvE events, allowing you to do things like killing a Champion-grade monster, to gathering many supplies. Coupled with the Living Story portion is the addition of the Living Story achievement which when completed earns you rewards & titles, as a part of the existing Flame & Frost event, you'll be helping refugees and fighting off conquering forces. With completing comes earning a new currency referred to as Laurels which let you purchase items from precise Laurel vendors, from particular infusions, armors, and other such items. You'll gain one laurel per completed day-to-day achievement, & 10 laurels per one completed monthly achievement.
Fractals of the Mists, implemented last year throughout the Lost Shores event, has observed an update to where joining a lower level player earns you more karma, however nonetheless only gives you the same amount of rewards as the lowest Fractal level player in the group. While there were disconnection issues which forced you out of the Fractals, and your team all the weaker for it, you can now reconnect to your team without this hindrance, together with connect to a group that is already in the Fractals event.
Guesting makes it possible for for GW2 gold players to log into a different world shard, allowing them play with buddies on one of a kind servers, without making a character move. With guesting comes restrictions, of course, such as being region locked, WvW access limited to your home world, allowed only 2 different worlds to access in a given 24 hour period, and any guild influence obtained added to your home-world guild. Guesting negates the gem fee of a full transfer, although with limitations, as listed already, so should you have a buddy on a distinct server who doesn't need to pay the fee to switch, you can still play with them for a limited time, and my guest as primarily as you wish, as long as the server isn't full.
In tandem with these new additions comes Guild Missions. These are a new mission subset that allows for guilds to partake in a persistent instance for different group-focused challenges. Between jumping puzzles to speed issues to resolve, you'll earn merits and guild-focused upgrades, in addition to further Guild Missions.
PvP has been given some rather basic modifications, a rotation alter up and round count have been altered, although I'm not a enormous PvP guy myself. They added a new map in there, so you'll at least get to see quite a few new scenery in there. 1 of the more fascinating, & probably most game-altering is the removal of character culling in WvW, instead using place-holder models to change load times for the better.
More particulars might be gleaned from the Game Update notes posted on the Guild Wars two event page, incorporating World Polish updates that have aided in balancing everything dungeons, story missions, player classes, & general bugs. So far the alterations haven't been too grandiose, playing more along the lines of a DLC pack, barring the unnecessary charge of admission for something so small, though the end of the year will see an expansion, as what was announced last year. Loads of are speculating what will be included, in spite of this it the general talk is that of a new class and playable race. Numerous hope to see new weapons added to the armory, such as two-handed axes.
For this gamer, I would not mind buying an extra character slot or two if I got to play as a Tengu Ranger, or Kodan Guardian.
Expect more updates at this Living Story continues to grow.
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Thursday, March 7, 2013
How Guild Wars 2 plans to survive
It is true that Guild Wars 2 have no plans to expand at present. Many players may concern that what will the Guild Wars 2 do in order to survive in the MMO's competition. As far as I am concerned, the ArenaNet is working to reduce queue times for World vs World matches as well as increase the number of Guild Wars 2 gold players, and they also have set PvP to receive a massive overhaul; after added this matchmaking, they will soon add the ratings and a leaderboard to prepare the game for a potential future inclusion as an eSport.
But I think that if the ArenaNet can expand things like the new guild system to be more sand-box like with self-generated content, that may be able to escape such trappings.
I'm still currently playing this GW2 gold game in hopes of an expansion.Here I really do wish ArenaNet do their best to provide more interesting contents for our players. But if anything fallout from each of their attempts at walking the line, as with the new dailies and guild missions, is somewhat entertaining to watch.
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Saturday, March 2, 2013
Guild Wars 2 WvW March patch will "turn off culling thoroughly"
It is a astounding day to be a WvW'er over in Guild Wars 2, as Habib Loew confirms that the subsequent patch will banish the "culling phenomenon" from the world of Tyria for fantastic. Also in are a brand new ranks and achievements typically for WvW which unlock new WvW skills. Habib also promised that they are not done with WvW, with plenty more planned for future patches to come.
In an interview with MMORPG, Habib Loew a gameplay programmer who focuses on the WvW aspect of Guild Wars two, talked about the new additions.
First up was by far the most debated & controversial topic: culling:
"Culling is basically a process by which the server chooses to not tell players about certain other Guild Wars 2 gold players. It was information on limiting the breakdown of resources from a client to server standpoint. The concern with it was that a big battle would erupt & you would not see other players. It definitely had its drawbacks.
The alter in March will turn off Culling thoroughly. You'll now see every character within range of you. There will be numerous one of a kind choices for how other players are presented to you, on the client side that you could pick out from so you can control how it works for you."
That ought to mean that you won't die to the invisible zergs that rampage across the battlefield. By the sounds of it, you could pick & prioritise certain effects/players to suit your desires, however more will be revealed in March,
Next up is a brand new sense of advancement in WvW with ranks and abilities:
"There are 2 methods to earn what we're calling World XP right now. Those are joining WvW Events and killing other players. As you earn more World XP your rank will go up. Every sum of World XP with give you a rank and that will give you a brand new title in WvW. For example right now you only see the "Invader" title. These titles will modify with your rank. With each rank you will earn points to cash in on WVW capabilities. The abilities are general passive in the starting with capabilities like doing more damage to guards or taking less harm from siege."
Sounds interesting, & more importantly doesn't deviate from what's fun in a WvW.
"Right now there are for the most part passive abilties going in with this patch. We have capabilities like: being able to carry more supply, being more effective against particular varieties of NPCs, being able to do more siege damage, or being more resistent to siege harm. Once again this is our first patch so as we go further there will be more active capabilities added. Those are an incredibly attentive balancing act to add and we need to get them right for the GW2 gold players. Not only is it about balance, however there are design concerns as well, like where do we put the buttons on the UI? We need to take all of that into account.
With the up-front release there are no class or guild restrictions. These abilities need to be accessible to everybody. We certainly want players to picture the abilities as specializing your role in WvW not your class. Perhaps you play more in the siege role or in the close combat role. These abilities are there to enhance those. It is everything regarding your role in WvW regardless of the class you play."
It all sounds pretty promising, with more to accomplish plus the threat of culling purged, WvW is looking as wholesome as ever. It doesn't cease here however, as Habib echoes with this statement:
"The biggest message I have for WvW players is that this is not the last patch we are doing. We have a lot more planned. Plenty of stuff is queued up for future patches. We are honestly taking the time to make sure we get things right before we release them. Also, we do not want to make the mistake of making too lots of adjustments at one time which could break parts of WvW."
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