Thursday, November 22, 2012
Guild Wars 2: Special loot rewards in dungeons
The German Community Manager of Guild Wars 2, Ramon Domke issues a statement on the current rewards in dungeons. It's about special loot at lower bosses and make a statement to the magical feeling.
With one of the last patches for Guild Wars 2, a change came on the spoils system for the dungeons. The German Community Manager Ramon Domke are to the official forum a statement, in which he played the obvious changes. "We have every dungeon series selected three specific sub-bosses and developed special loot for them. [...] We also have these three sub-bosses are each allocated a guaranteed object called'' bag of wondrous goods'', the players a karma-consumable and Money transactions are consumable item with a value of up to 4 silver. explorable dungeons you in this bag also rewarded with three specific to that dungeon brands. "
With this adjustment, the developers hope to make the rewards for dungeons a little more interesting for the gw2 gold players of Guild Wars 2. Besides the boss rewards the chests have been adjusted in the dungeons, "We are aware that in some of the explorable series are less bosses, so we have updated so many of the Event Reward Chest as necessary to maintain the balance between all explorable paths to guarantee. "
Recently remarked Ramon Domke on the magical feeling and turned to all players the meaning behind it represent how your get, the more magical feel you have a greater chance of special rewards. The new rewards of sub bosses so you can receive new unique loot. That was, according to Ramon Domke, has always been so and will remain so in the future. The magical feeling, however, has no effect on rewards from chests in the dungeons. You can find the complete article in the Forum of Guild Wars 2 More information about the game can be found on our topic page for Guild Wars 2 and Wartower.
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