Sunday, October 28, 2012

Guild Wars 2 is a free upgrade, but with paying tournaments

ArenaNet and NCsoft announced with great fanfare a few days there the immediate availability of a major update for  Guild Wars 2  called  "The Shadow of the Mad King."  Available from October 22, it brings some new .

In his statement , the editor shows all the new features introduced by this big patch, the first of which is an event dedicated to the celebration of Halloween. This takes place until 31 October and brings new minigames and dynamic events on all of Tyria.

The latter also evolve somewhat with the emergence of new vistas to unlock, new boss minidonjons with some success and more to unlock.

However, the main addition of this update is probably Tournaments gw2 gold players against players ... paid! Available very soon, it will pay a cost gems (the game's currency) so that your team of 5 players can compete to win major prizes. However, it is possible to exchange gold against his gems at a variable rate, so you do not have to get his card. Free tournaments are also available to qualify for the tournament fee.

Finally, note that the game is again available for several weeks, stockouts are now ancient history.  You can also take a ride on our forum,  dedicated to this topic Guild Wars 2 to share your experience.

Here is finally a video presentation of how Halloween

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